There are certain periods of the year when you have better chances of getting a good deal on a new car. Many people may think that they are more likely to get a discount during the summer, than in any other season, but it’s actually winter. The reason for this is that dealers are doing everything they can to clear their lots of last year’s models, and they hope that bringing down the asking price will help them with that. Plus, there are usually less people buying cars in winter, than in summer, so dealerships offer pretty good discounts this time of year to bring in some more customers.
If you were wondering if there was a particular day during the year when you can expect to be able to buy a new car for a reasonable price, it’s New Year’s Eve. That’s because this is a day when dealerships don’t have a lot of customers interested in buying a car, considering that most people have other things on their minds on the last day of the year.
Not many people are willing to wait a whole year to buy a new car, but if you are not in a hurry, it’s wise to wait for winter to come, and take advantage of the discounts all dealerships offer. The main reason for this is that dealers have year-end sales targets, that they try so hard to reach throughout the year, and when winter comes, they become more desperate and they are willing to sell a car at a lower price than the price it has been selling at during the previous nine or ten months. Furthermore, winter is when the price of last year’s models starts to go down.
If you have decided to buy a new car, you will need to consider various financing options. When it comes to financing, and getting a car loan, you should try and apply for one during the holiday season, or during September or October, which is when new car models come out. This is the time when you are likely to get a good loan.