Colorado Passes Bill to Increase Penalties for Drunk Driving

Fri, 6/8/2018 - 7:24 pm by Kirsten Rincon

Earlier last month, the Colorado State Senate passed a bill that increases the penalties that repeat drunk-driving offenders will face. The bill, properly referred to as House Bill 17-1288, was originally presented by Republican Senator John Cooke of Greely. If […]

Examining the Safety of Small Cars

Thu, 6/7/2018 - 12:07 am by Kirsten Rincon

The main reason why some people choose to buy a smaller car instead of a large vehicle is that they are much cheaper. Plus, maintenance costs for small cars are quite low, and they are much more fuel-efficient, which means […]

Iowa Set to Release Smartphone Driver’s Licenses in 2018

Thu, 6/7/2018 - 9:32 pm by Kirsten Rincon

Iowa state officials have recently announced that resident’s should be able to start downloading their driver’s licenses via their smartphones by late next year. According to a report made by The Des Moines Register, the Iowa Department of Transportation administered […]

Is Distracted Driving the Biggest Road Safety Issue of Our Generation?

Tue, 6/5/2018 - 8:01 pm by Kirsten Rincon

Distracted driving has emerged as the most important road safety issue in recent years. As with most safety trends, it took a while for distracted driving to be accepted as a legitimate concern and regulations continue to meet resistance in […]

Is America Heading Towards Peak Car?

Mon, 6/4/2018 - 7:54 pm by Kirsten Rincon

Over the past couple of years, a trend toward less driving has been pretty apparent in the United States, fueled by a variety of factors, including the increased use of public transport and rising fuel prices, which raised the question […]

Ride-Hailing App for Women Only Set to Launch in the U.S.

Sun, 6/3/2018 - 7:26 pm by Kirsten Rincon

For all its popularity around the globe, the world’s leading ride-hailing service Uber still has its fair share of opponents, for a wide range of reasons, with many of them being a direct result of countless incidents involving passengers being […]

5 Apps for Tech-Savvy Drivers

Sat, 6/2/2018 - 12:59 am by Kirsten Rincon

While driving can be a lot of fun at times, there are a lot of situations that can make it really boring, and even stressful, such as being stuck in a traffic jam, dealing with aggressive drivers and road rage, […]