Having a car while at college surely gives students a lot of freedom and flexibility, as well as increased popularity, but there are a few drawbacks that need to be taken into consideration, too, since it can be a huge financial drain on students, themselves, but also on their parents, with increased gas and maintenance costs, along with higher insurance premiums.
However, having a car on campus is usually the most convenient and practical transportation option for college students, as it allows them to get around town more easily and get where ever they need to be at anytime without having to rely on their friends, or public transportation, to get there. But, before they bring their cars to college, students could use a few tips on how to drive on campus, as they will face a completely new environment, with different traffic situations and unfamiliar destinations, which could create some confusion and potentially cause a few safety issues.
Safety Considerations
Before you start driving in your college’s town, you should take a walk around it and see what the traffic is like over there, so that you can know which streets are more crowded and if there are any potentially risky spots that need to be avoided. Then, take a look at the parking lot and take note of any time limits, special permits, or extra fees that might be required. Also, it’s wise to try and park your car in well-lit areas whenever you can, possibly close to a street, and never leave your valuables in it.
Pay Special Attention to Pedestrians
College campuses are always packed with pedestrians, so when driving around the university, you must be prepared to share the road with them and make sure you don’t jeopardize their safety in any way. The most important thing that drivers need to remember is that they always have to yield to pedestrians, even if they are crossing outside of crosswalks, although they are not required by law to do that. You have to be especially careful at corners and at each crosswalk, and never cross a car that has stopped at a crosswalk.
Inspect Your Car
This tip is intended for parents of college students, as they need to make sure the car their kid is going to drive at college is safe and reliable. There are a few things that need to be checked, starting with fluid levels and tires, moving on to the battery and spark plugs, all the way to the headlights and turn signals.
Don’t Drink and Drive
College students have particularly high rates of drinking and driving, and alcohol-related accidents are one of the leading causes of death for students between the ages of 18 and 24. That’s why students are strongly advised against driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They should never sit behind the wheel after drinking, and arrange for a designated driver, or get a cab to get back to campus, instead.
While many students are not sure whether bringing a car to college is a smart move, all they need to do is consider the pros and cons, and take the above mentioned tips into account, and there will be no reason to worry about any potential issues involved in driving on campus.