Lit Motors – Electronic Vehicles

Tue, 10/3/2017 - 9:32 pm by Kirsten Rincon


Lit Motors is an electric vehicle design and manufacturing company that is based in San Francisco, California. Their main focus is on creating electric two-wheeled vehicles and they have so far presented two concepts, the C-1 and the Cargo Scooter.

The C-1 concept is a revolutionary enclosed motorcycle that runs on lithium batteries and has the ability to balance itself thanks to electronic gyroscopes. Although in essence a motorcycle, it is steered by a steering wheel, instead of handlebars. What’s more, it provides enough space for a second person to ride in it behind the driver. It’s not very spacious, but it could do the job for short trips. Lit Motors say the C-1 can achieve maximum speeds of 100 mph and travel 200 miles per one charge, but that claim is yet to be put to the test.

As far as price is concerned, it will be somewhere around $20,000, according to some speculations, but there are certain outlooks that it will come down to $12,000 eventually. It’s not much, considering it will be very energy efficient, so owners will save a lot of money in that area. It is expected to go into production in 2014.

Lit Motors managed to enter the final selection of 7 start-up companies competing for the TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2012 and they finished second, behind the YourMechanic crew.

Given all these points, we can look forward to how the C-1 and other future Lit Motors concepts will develop in the following years and hope to be able to drive fully electric two-wheeled vehicles that will provide every green technology enthusiast with a safe and environmentally friendly transportation.