Tesla: the coolest electric cars on the market

Sun, 10/15/2017 - 2:34 am by Kirsten Rincon

Tesla Motors, Inc. is a designer and manufacturer of electric cars and electric vehicle powertrain components based in Palo Alto, California. It is named after the famous electric engineer Nikola Tesla. Their goal is to introduce fully electric vehicles that […]

How the DMV Differs From the Department of Transportation

Thu, 10/12/2017 - 1:08 am by Kirsten Rincon

The Department of Motor Vehicles is a state agency, which controls and regulates vehicle registration and driver licensing. It has a certain degree of independence, with power to legislate through introduction of various rules and regulations, while the Department of […]

Is Driving Today More Dangerous Than Ever Before?

Wed, 10/11/2017 - 2:05 am by Kirsten Rincon

A new distracted driving study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reveals sobering statistics about the dangers of driving today. Distracted driving caused by external influences, such as smartphones and tablets, has been the leading cause of car accidents […]

What’s In Store for Driverless Cars?

Tue, 10/10/2017 - 10:33 pm by Kirsten Rincon

source: wikimedia Driving a car requires a certain set of skills. If not properly operated, cars can be a major threat to people’s safety. Although there are some very skillful and well-versed drivers among people, we are still not perfect. […]

Saving Gas: The Best of the Best

Sun, 10/8/2017 - 12:15 am by Kirsten Rincon

With gas prices hitting all-time highs and no sign of them falling anytime soon, everyone is looking for ways to save on gas. It can be done in many ways, but I’ll try to point out the best three in […]

The Right Time To Buy A Car

Sat, 10/7/2017 - 3:52 am by Kirsten Rincon

There are certain periods of the year when you have better chances of getting a good deal on a new car. Many people may think that they are more likely to get a discount during the summer, than in any […]

Virginia DMV Faces $16 Million Deficit That Could Increase Fees

Fri, 10/6/2017 - 7:30 pm by Kirsten Rincon

The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles is facing an estimated $16.4 million revenue deficit that may lead to DMV fee increases. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported that the DMV also estimates that its shortfall may reach a total of $66.5 million […]