Arkansas drivers ed courses are vital to the success of residents who wish to operate motor vehicles on state roads. Though it is common for education courses to be taken by first-time driver’s, there is no age limit to who can enroll. Therefore, it is never too early, or too late, to get the proper training to become a first-rate driver in Arkansas.

In Arkansas, you can enroll in a drivers ed course online or in-person. You can also choose a class that is offered by a high school or other learning institution, or through a private driving school. Since there is no requirement to enroll in a driver’s education course in Arkansas, the choice to enroll is up to you. However, by registering for these courses, you will not only learn about the rules of the road, but you will also discover the many financial incentives that courses offer.

Who needs to take drivers ed in Arkansas?

An Arkansas driver’s education class is not necessary to obtain a driver’s license in the state. Therefore, any driver in the state or anyone in Arkansas who wishes to obtain a driver’s license can enroll. Although the class are not mandatory, the safety skills and road rules learned in the class are especially helpful for teens and other inexperienced drivers.

Types of Drivers Ed Classes in Arkansas

In Arkansas, you can enroll in a driving course:

  • At your local high school.
  • At a private driver training school.
  • Online through reputable programs.

Since Arkansas offers many different providers for driver education courses, you will need to research as many resources that you deem necessary to find the best program for you. You will also need to decide if it is best for your schedule to enroll in an online or in-person course. Some course providers offer varying levels of comprehensive education courses, driving tutoring only or classroom instruction only.

What will you learn in an Arkansas driver’s ed school?

While it is not mandatory to take a driver’s education course in Arkansas, you will learn many skills to pass both the written and knowledge portions of the driving exam. In Arkansas, standards for driver ed courses are determined by the Arkansas Department of Career Education (ACE) and course goals include learning about the following topics:

  • How to operate a motor vehicle
  • Driving rules and regulations, such as federal and state laws
  • The rules of the road
  • Defensive driving skills
  • DUI regulations

Arkansas Drivers Education Requirements

According to the Office of Driver Services, which administers state driver licenses, you must be at least 14 years of age to obtain a valid learner’s permit. Therefore, you must be at least 14 years old to enroll in a state driver’s education course. You must also hold a valid learner’s permit.

Requirements for course completion can include:

  • 30 hours of classroom instruction.
  • Six hours of behind-the-wheel (BTW) instruction.
  • Six hours of in-the-car observation.

Conditions of completion for each course vary based on provider and the course you are enrolled in. Once you meet the requirements for the education course that you wish to take, you will earn certification.

Benefits of an Arkansas Driver Education Course

Since enrolling in a driver’s ed test is not mandatory in Arkansas, you may be wondering what the benefits of doing so are. Not only will you accurately learn and understand the rules of the road, which will lead to safe driving, you may also be awarded with some financial incentives. Most driver education courses lead to discounts on auto insurance policies, especially for first-time drivers, who tend to be teenagers and who are costly to insure. However, not every auto insurance company in the state may accept the completion of a driver ed course to reduce insurance costs. Therefore, you will need to check with your auto insurance provider before registering for a course.

If you enroll in a driving education course through a state high school, it is essential that you know that the school may not recognize it as a credit course that counts towards graduation. Meaning, that no credit will be given upon completion.

How to Enroll in an Arkansas Driver Ed School

To enroll in a teen or adult drivers ed program in Arkansas, you must first choose a program that is best for you. If you choose a course through your local high school, then you will need to contact the participating school to register. If you choose to enroll in a private driving school, you can register by phone or online through the program’s website.  Payment methods vary based on the provider and on the method of enrollment.

Arkansas DMV Drivers Ed Certificates

Once you complete a driving course in Arkansas, you will receive a certificate of completion. Depending on where you take a driver ed course, you may receive your certification either in person or by mail. Once you obtain a copy of your certification, you can use it to send to your auto insurance company to see if you qualify for a discount on your insurance policy.

Drivers Ed for New Arkansas Residents

If you are new to Arkansas and wish to get a state driver’s license you may be wondering if you need to enroll in a driver education course. According to the Arkansas Driver Services, driver education courses are not required for new state residents. However, doing so may help you get a low-cost auto insurance policy in the state.

Arkansas Drivers Ed vs. Traffic School

Driver education is not the same as traffic school, and it is essential that you know the difference. Driver education courses teach you the rules and regulations of the road, among other driving tips. Traffic school, on the other hand, is often required if you are issued a traffic citation to either remove points from your license or in place of paying the fee of a traffic citation.

Arkansas Driver Education Fees

Drivers ed prices in Arkansas vary, since enrolling in a state driver’s ed course is not mandatory. Courses offered at public schools can cost up to $250, with payment due at enrollment, while online courses range from $25 up to $1,000. Therefore, before you choose a course, you should look around at many programs and get as many price quotes as you can. Then, you will know that the course you enroll in is the most affordable and beneficial for you.

Last updated on Monday, March 2 2020.