Suspended drivers licenses in Connecticut are issued to motorists who fail to adhere to state rules and road regulations. Drivers will face a CT driving license suspension for multiple reasons, including moving violations, as well as non-driving issues. The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the court may take separate actions relating to the criminal offense committed by drivers. If you are facing a temporary withdrawal of your driving privileges, the DMV will send a notice of suspension to the address of record.

In case a motorist has a Connecticut suspended driving license, he or she will need to resolve all issues with the DMV and restore his or her credential. The driving license reinstatement procedure may vary based on the issued penalty. If you need more information about license suspensions and restoration requirements in CT, read the sections below.

Reinstating a Connecticut Suspended License

Driving license reinstatement in Connecticut is a mandatory procedure for motorists who have lost their privileges to operate a vehicle within the state. Drivers will need to reinstate driving licenses following a suspension due to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, failure to pay a traffic ticket, or failure to complete a child safety class among others. Drivers who want to check their history and driver’s license status can do so by obtaining a copy of their driving record.

How to Reinstate a Connecticut Suspended Drivers License

The Connecticut driving license reinstatement procedure cannot be completed in person at a nearby DMV office in CT. Instead, motorists who need to reinstate their drivers license in CT must do so by submitting the required paperwork to the DMV by mail. Depending on the criminal offense, the reinstatement requirements may vary.

If you have received a suspension notice, you must follow the listed instructions to restore your driving privileges. In case there are any documents you need to present, they must be sent to the official address of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Your driving license restoration inquiry will be processed once you arrange payment for the allotted fees. After successfully reinstating suspended drivers licenses in Connecticut, licensees will receive a restoration notice.

Suspension Periods in Connecticut

The duration of the driving license suspension in Connecticut may vary, and it mainly depends on the type of criminal offense that has been committed. In case you have been issued a ticket for not using a child safety equipment, for instance, you will be required to complete a Child Safety Class.

Failure to do so will result in a CT drivers license suspension for 60 days. Drivers will be issued a suspended driving license for a period of 30 days provided they have accumulated more than 10 negative points on their driving record.

Motorists who have been arrested for driving under the influence, and failed or refused to submit to a chemical test, will face a 45-day license suspension. For a third or any subsequent DUI-related conviction, the court may order the DMV to permanently revoke the licensee’s credential. Note that the exact suspension period may be found on the courtesy notice sent by the DMV.

Connecticut Point System

Motorists will be issued a suspended drivers license in CT due to excessive accumulation of points on their driving report. The negative points will remain in effect for a period of 24 months beginning on the date of assessment. The following list outlines some of the most common types of violations and the points assessed for the conviction:

  • Driving at an unreasonable rate of speed – 1 point.
  • Failure to drive in the proper lane – 1 point.
  • Failure to obey a stop sign – 2 points.
  • Driving while impaired – 3 points.
  • Passing a stopped school bus – 4 points.
  • Negligent homicide with a vehicle – 5 points.

In case your total point count equals or exceeds six points, you will receive a warning letter. A Connecticut driving license suspension will be issued to motorists who accumulate 10 or more negative points for driving violations.

Traffic School in Connecticut

Motorists who are facing a drivers license suspension in CT may have the option to complete a defensive driving course and improve their current status. You may enroll in an authorized traffic school not only to prevent your credential from being suspended, but to also lower your auto insurance premium as well. Note that it is best to contact the DMV to check whether or not they provide such courses in your county of residence.

Types of CT Driver’s License Suspensions

The driving license suspension in CT will apply to motorists who disobey the imposed rules and regulations while on the road. The most common offenses which may lead to your credential being suspended are the following:

  • Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Driving without a CT license to operate a vehicle.
  • Negative point accumulation.
  • Failure to complete a child safety course.
  • Failure to pay a traffic ticket.

Note: According to state law, motorists between 16 and 17 years of age who commit traffic violations such as reckless driving or street racing will have their credential seized by a law enforcement officer and face a drivers license suspension for 48 hours.

CT DUI Suspensions

Under Connecticut law, driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated is considered a serious criminal offense. Both the DMV and the court may impose strict penalties for excessive blood alcohol concentration (BAC). To reinstate suspended driving licenses following a DUI-related offense, motorists may need to meet certain requirements, such as installing an ignition interlock device in their vehicle.

Older Than 21

A Connecticut drivers license suspension will be issued to motorists older than 21 years of age provided they have failed the BAC test or refused to submit to chemical testing. Currently, you will have a suspended driving license in CT in case the test registers a BAC level of .08 or higher.

Both the DMV and the court are authorized to take legal actions against licensees operating while intoxicated. If you have been arrested for DUI, the DMV will receive the arrest report and issue a 45-day suspension of your credential, usually beginning 30 days after the arrest date.

To reinstate their drivers license, motorists will be required to install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) for a set time period depending on the infraction they have committed. For instance, if you have been arrested due to an excessive BAC for the first time, you must maintain the IID for six months.

Any subsequent offense will require you to have the device for a longer period (one year for a second infraction or two years for the third or any following misdemeanor). Note that, if you are convicted by the court of driving while intoxicated, you may be also obliged to install an IID for a longer term.

When restoring their driving privileges, drivers must complete and submit an IID application form. You will be also required to contact a state-authorized IID vendor to have the device installed. Finally, motorists must arrange payment for the CT driving license reinstatement and IID administration fees.

Younger Than 21

The set laws and road regulations regarding DUI offenses are more rigid for motorists younger than 21 years of age. Minors will face a CT driving license suspension following a BAC test result of .02 or higher.

A suspended drivers license will be also issued to an underage driver for illegally buying or possessing alcohol. To reinstate your suspended driving license, you must install an IID and maintain the device for one year following a first offense, two years for a second infraction and three years for a third or any subsequent DUI misdemeanor.

Car Insurance Suspensions

Drivers may be issued a suspended driving license in Connecticut for failing to adhere to the mandatory insurance requirements. If you have not managed to maintain the required vehicle insurance, you will lose your privilege to drive as a result of a car registration suspension, though a withdrawal of your credential may follow as well. For more details on possible drivers license suspensions in Connecticut due to lack of liability coverage, licensees are encouraged to contact the DMV.

Traffic Summons or Failure to Pay

Motorists will have a suspended driving license in CT if they have been issued a traffic citation within or out of state, and failed to respond to the ticket or appear in court by the due date. You will have your Connecticut drivers license suspension rescinded if you reopen the case and resolve the ticket before the suspension date.

Drivers who decide to reopen the case with the court on or after the set date must arrange payment for the reinstatement fees either online or in person at the DMV. Court fees, on the other hand, are paid via mail or in person at the Superior Court found on the suspension notice.

Connecticut Hardship Drivers License

Prior to completing the CT drivers license suspension period, motorists have the option to apply for a special operator’s permit, which restricts them to drive to or from work or school. To obtain this type of license, you must meet certain eligibility requirements, such as the following:

  • You cannot be issued a suspended driving license for the following violations: failing to appear/pay a traffic ticket, driving while under suspension or reckless driving.
  • You cannot have three or more moving violations on your driving report.
  • You must not have had any previous offenses involving alcohol.
  • You cannot be convicted of a violation due to vehicular manslaughter or vehicular assault.

Applying for a Connecticut Hardship License

When applying for the special permit before a Connecticut driving license suspension due date, motorists must submit the necessary paperwork and pay the application fee of $100. Drivers who apply for a work permit are obliged to complete the A-62 form.

For an education permit to be obtained, you will need to fill out and mail the P-225 form, along with a copy of release under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy act. (Licensees can obtain this form from their school.) When processing your application, the Department of Motor Vehicles will also review your driving record.

Drivers License Reinstatement Fees

To restore their CT suspended driving license, applicants must note the reinstatement fees. Currently, the driving license restoration cost is set at $175 for each suspension of your credential. In addition to this price, motorists may be required to pay other fees based on the type of violation.

For instance, a $100 administration fee will apply to drivers required to install an ignition interlock device following a DUI offense or vehicular assault. There is also a nonrefundable application cost in the amount of $100 for motorists who need to obtain a restricted driving license.

Payment for the Connecticut drivers license reinstatement fees can be made either by sending a check or money order made payable to DMV or through an online provider. In order to pay online, you will be obliged to present certain information, including your name, date of birth, license or ID number as listed in your driving record, as well as your current address of residence.

Last updated on Tuesday, March 3 2020.