Car seat laws in Iowa set specific standards for certain age groups, with weight or height restrictions also considered within the law.

Booster seat laws are incorporated into the general state laws for child passenger safety, so your use of a car seat or a booster seat will generally be based upon your individual child. The typical age for a booster seat is not until four years old, but the weight and height of the child should also be considered when choosing to move to that type of restraint system.

Remember that car seat safety is the responsibility of any driver who is carrying child passengers. If you are transporting a child in any vehicle, then you are required to adhere to state laws and to properly and safely restrain the child according to age, weight and height.

Car seat ages are explained below, but always be sure to review the weight limitations of the particular model you are using to ensure compatibility.

What are the car seat laws in Iowa?

Iowa child car seat laws require all children from birth until the age of one to ride in a rear facing child restraint system. The child must also weigh at least 20 pounds to be able to switch to a forward-facing system, according to Iowa law.

Additionally, car seat law includes any child younger than six years old to be legally required to use a child restraint system. This could include a car seat or booster seat but cannot include a regular seatbelt. All children aged between six and 11 years old are required to use a child restraint system or a regular seatbelt.

Using a booster seat is recommended, though not required, for children smaller than 4’9” who cannot safely sit with their backs to the seat and knees comfortably bent over the seat edge. Booster seat weight limits will also dictate their ability to be used by your child, as smaller children should remain in a regular car seat.

The booster car seat age is included within the general requirements of state law, but children over the age of 11 can still continue to use a booster if necessary, per height and weight recommendations for safety.

Penalties for Violating Car Seat Regulations in Iowa

Child car seat safety regulations apply to any driver with a child passenger in the state, regardless of residency or parentage. That means that, whether you live in Iowa or are just driving through, you must abide by state laws.

Additionally, it means that any driver with a child passenger, even if that child is not yours, is required to properly and safely restrain the child passenger. That means every babysitter, relative and other childcare provider must adhere to these rules.

Violating the car seat law in Iowa can result in a citation being issued to the driver. The driver might then have to pay a penalty fine that could be close to $200 in total. If the violation was committed by a minor aged between 14 and 17 years old, then the citation will be issued to the minor, not to the driver. That could apply to a backseat child passenger failing to use a regular seatbelt.

Types of Car Seats

The best car seats available today are generally from the most popular brands, such as Chicco, Evenflo and Graco. These brands tend to offer the safest car seats on the market, but you should always make sure to research current trends in case any new brands are providing better options.

Remember that the safety of any car seat relies on you confirming the weight and height restrictions, as well as carefully installing the seat. Booster seat weight requirements and similar car seat restrictions should be easily identified in the instruction manuals for the specific models you choose to use.

There are many types of car seats, so it is smart to understand the options before making such an important purchase. The following are the most common car seat options:

  • Rear Facing Car Seat: Also known as an infant car seat, Iowa law requires this style for children from birth through one year old or to a minimum of 20 pounds. Make sure you check the weight and height requirements of whichever car seat you buy, especially for the rear facing limitations.
  • Forward Facing Car Seat: Once your child outgrows the rear facing seat option, you will switch to a forward-facing seat. Children aged between two and six years old are required to use a child restraint system, which could be a forward-facing seat.
  • Convertible Car Seat: Convertible seats offer you the option of both rear and forward facing, so that your child can continue to use the same seat even as he or she grows. These might still have weight and height limitations for each direction, so be sure to review them carefully.
  • Booster Car Seats: Booster seat age restrictions tend to include children aged four through seven years. Regardless of age, children should continue to use booster seats in the back seat of the vehicle until they can safely wear a regular seat belt.

Car Seat Installation Information

Proper car seat installation can prove to be challenging for new users of car or booster seats, so it is wise to follow all of the guidelines provided by the manufacturer and the government. The following can be useful tips for installing a car seat:

  • Carefully and thoroughly read the car seat instruction manual, as well as your vehicle manual.
  • If you use a safety seat belt to install a car seat, make sure you learn how to lock the belt.
  • Always put a car seat in the back seat of your vehicle, never in the front and never with an active airbag.
  • Make sure the car seat is tightly secured and cannot move more than one inch in any direction.
  • Visit a car seat inspection station to ensure you understand and have grasped the mechanics of your particular model in your vehicle.
Last updated on Wednesday, September 23 2020.