CDL Training in Nebraska
Although CDL training in Nebraska is not a requirement, enrolling in a school can be very beneficial when taking your CDL exams. A CDL school typically offers in-classroom instruction and behind-the-wheel training so that you can successfully complete all exams. This includes the written test, the pre-trip vehicle inspection skills test and the road skills exam. When applying for your commercial drivers license (CDL), you will need to be well-versed on road rules and regulations and know how to safely operate a large commercial vehicle in a variety of traffic situations.
A truck driving school can provide you with the knowledge, skills and tools to accomplish this as well as obtain any additional endorsements you may need. Although Nebraska’s CDL manual carries valuable information regarding CDL testing, the manual itself highly recommends formal training through formal education. Not only are CDL classes the most reliable form of training to help you pass your exams, but most schools also provide job placement assistance which can help you break into the truck driving industry much quicker. To learn more about CDL prep courses, read the following sections below.
What is CDL training in Nebraska?
Unlike regular driver’s education, CDL school in Nebraska covers specific rules and regulations, skills and technique and type of commercial vehicles associated with commercial driving. Students enrolled in CDL classes learn much more than basic driving techniques and the laws of the road. In order to operate a commercial vehicle and obtain a CDL job, drivers must possess the knowledge and skills needed to maneuver a large capacity vehicle with a heavy load. There is no better way to prepare for a CDL test than to complete formal training.
The most common and useful license is the Class A CDL. With Class A CDL training, drivers can operate any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 pounds and greater. Not to mention, the vehicle(s) being towed can exceed 10,000 pounds. Obtaining this license allows drivers to operate vehicles under Class B and Class C licenses as well, making Class A CDL training the most useful form of training.
Those primarily focused on becoming a commercial or school bus driver can complete Class B CDL training to obtain their Class B license. This license allows holders to operate vehicles 26,001 pounds or higher and towed vehicles up to 10,000 pounds. As for drivers who plan to operate vehicles less than 26,001 pounds, Class C CDL classes provide sufficient training. With this license, drivers can drive vehicles with 16 passengers and hazardous materials.
Is CDL school required in Nebraska?
If you are wondering whether CDL school in Nebraska is required, then you must keep in mind that it may be depending on the CDL Class you are pursuing. You will be required to complete formal CDL training after obtaining your license and proper endorsements to become a school bus driver. Otherwise, enrolling in training is not a state requirement. Although, it is highly recommended due to the benefits it provides for aspiring truck drivers.
Completing a CDL prep course does not only increase your chances of passing, but it also serves as a resume booster and can help you secure a high-paying job. In fact, many regional, state and local commercial driving companies require some sort of CDL training. This may be due to the fact that formally trained drivers are likely more aware of local driving regulations, such as Nebraska’s distracted driving laws, and, therefore, less likely to be issued a traffic ticket.
Curriculum of Nebraska CDL Classes
Depending on the Nebraska CDL school and type of class license you are obtaining, the curriculum of Nebraska CDL classes may vary. Generally, these courses are designed to cover all information needed to pass the written exam, pre-trip vehicle inspection skills test and road skills exam. Most CDL training programs teach these topics through both in-class and behind-the-wheel instruction.
In-Class Instruction for the CDL Written Test
The in-class portion of CDL school is typically intended to help you pass the CDL written test in Nebraska. It is also where you will spend most of your time in training school. While you cannot receive CDL training online, there are a variety of schools that offer day, night, weekend and part-time classes to fit your schedule.
Taking a CDL class in person also provides a better understanding of the material and allows you to receive individualized attention and ask questions as needed. You will learn all you need to know about the CDL general knowledge test, including the safe transportation of cargo, map reading, road rules and regulations, pre-trip inspections and more.
If you are obtaining a special endorsement such as a HAZMAT, then you will be required to complete additional testing. In-class instruction can help you achieve a passing score in all written exams.
Behind-the-Wheel Instruction for the CDL Driving Test
One of the most important aspects of the Nebraska CDL test is the driving portion. Most schools offer behind-the-wheel instruction or field training to prepare students for the road skills exam. This exam involves completing a variety of maneuvers while operating a commercial vehicle.
In field training, students will learn how to use vehicle controls, enter and exit expressways, change lanes and properly back up. Additionally, students will learn how to pre-inspect their vehicles and identify any safety hazards. Passing this portion of the CDL driving test is essential before a student can get behind the wheel.
How long is CDL training in Nebraska?
Depending on the CDL school and type of license, training can take anywhere from three to nine weeks. While basic CDL courses are generally shorter, the more comprehensive programs typically last longer. Because community colleges offer college credit, these courses typically take up an entire semester. Generally, part-time courses take longer to complete than intensive programs starting from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Best CDL Schools Near Me in Nebraska
Interested in completing CDL training in Nebraska but not sure where? When searching for a “truck driving school near me”, there are a few things to look for in a program. This includes quality of training, job opportunities, cost of training, length of school and the school’s location. Furthermore, you will need to find a program that aligns with your schedule. If you are wondering what the best CDL schools in Nebraska are, then look no further than below:
- Central Community College – This CDL program offers a Basic Operations Class A and Basic Operations Class B class. Additionally, there are classes that cover non-vehicle activities, such as trip planning and accident procedures, and advanced operating practices such as lane changing, parking and turning. After completing CDL training in six weeks, students can receive 12 college credits, be awarded a professional truck driver training certificate and complete all tests to obtain their CDL licenses.
- Custom Diesel Drivers Training, Inc. – This NE truck driving school offers both classroom and field training, following a 160-hour Class A CDL training In the classroom, you will learn everything you need to know about the general knowledge, combination vehicle, tank vehicle, hazardous materials and airbrake exams. Additionally, you will receive hands-on training by driving on various roads and practicing real-world driving and backing maneuvers. You will also learn how to successfully complete a vehicle inspection. In addition to job placement assistance, the CDL prep school offers a CDDT scholarship to help with financing.
- Metropolitan Community College – MCC offers both day and evening courses for its Class A CDL training program, which can be completed in six or nine weeks. To pass the program, students must receive a “C” or better on both segments of Class-A CDL Theory Training and Class-A CDL Road Training. Together, these courses make up a total of 238 hours. Students will learn truck maintenance basics, shifting, backing, emergency maneuvers, cargo securement, hours of services and more at an affordable cost.
- JTL Truck Driver Training – As a locally-owned and Class A CDL truck driver school, JTL offers courses taught by driving instructors who are certified master level by the Trade Association of Commercial Truck Driving Schools. Its training program is 160 hours and includes classroom and field training and offers day, night, weekend and part-time classes. While the classroom course will prepare you to pass your CDL exams, it will also prepare you for a career as a truck driver. Additionally, JTL is a third-party tester in Nebraska, meaning you can complete all of your exams in an environment you are comfortable in instead of one of the local DMV office locations.
- Central States Safety & Driver Training – This CDL school in Nebraska offers CDL basic training for those who need help passing the written CDL exam for their commercial learners permit (CLP). Additionally, it offers a professional CDL training program that covers the pre-trip inspection skills test and road skills exam. While cost is $150 per person for basic training, the comprehensive course is provided at $2,800 per person. Students can complete their exams at the school, which provides a Class A tractor-trailer.
- Raider Express – Unlike a traditional CDL training program, Raider Express is a truck driving company that offers free on-the-job training for its employees. On top of that, employees get paid while training for their CDL license. A job at Raider Express consists of a weekly paycheck, full benefits and paid vacation. Interested applicants can apply directly online.
In addition to these programs, there are many other training options to choose from offered in community colleges. Make sure to check your local community college or search a “CDL school near me” to find a training program best suited for you.
Benefits of Completing Nebraska Truck Driving School
Nebraska truck driving school offers many benefits for aspiring drivers looking to break into the truck driving industry. Students can be adequately prepared to complete all CDL exams, including all written knowledge and CDL driving tests. Furthermore, training provides the hands-on experience needed to prepare students for any real-life situations on the road.
Not only does this provide students with the confidence they need to become successful truck drivers, but employers are more inclined to hire drivers who have completed formal training. In fact, most CDL jobs require that applicants have prior experience behind the wheel or training. For students that do not have a job secured, many schools also provide CDL job placement assistance. This way, students can immediately start working as soon as they receive their licenses.
CDL Training Costs in Nebraska
While CDL training costs come at a high price, the benefits can be well worth it. Tuition for these programs typically run between $2,500 and $4,500 and can be higher depending on how extensive a course is. CDL training costs also depend on the school, type of class and any additional endorsements you may need. Keep in mind that most programs offer financing options and scholarships to help alleviate the costs of training. Most training costs are separate from licensing fees such as the expenses related to the DOT physical exam for CDL compliance.
Additionally, there are some truck driving companies that offer company paid CDL training in Nebraska, which means you not only receive free CDL training, but you also get paid while training for CDL exams. Consider looking for a truck driving job before attending training. A company may offer to pay the costs of schooling upfront or reimburse you after you have completed the course.
How to Self-Prep for Nebraska CDL Exams
Whether you are enrolled in a course or not, taking a CDL practice test can help you prepare for the real written knowledge test. While most training programs administer practice tests in class, you can also find free practice tests available online. The Nebraska CDL handbook, available on the DMV website, also includes practice questions that you can study prior to taking your exam. The DMV also offers a practice CDL interactive written exam as a study guide to further prepare for the written exam.
Unfortunately, the commercial drivers manual and other practice tools can only do so much. In order to pass your road skills exam, you will need hands-on experience alongside an experience, CDL license holder. If you do not know a licensed commercial driver that can accompany you, then enrolling in a CDL training course is your best option for guaranteeing a passing score.
- CDL Testing Information from