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Custom Car Registration in Nebraska
When registering a custom car in Nebraska or obtaining antique license plates, drivers are expected to satisfy a set of requirements and prepare the necessary documentation. Car owners will have to title and register custom cars or antique vehicles through the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
The application procedure for registering this type of car requires drivers to provide the needed paperwork along with payment for the applicable fees. Therefore, vehicle owners are expected to know the type of vehicle they possess in order to prepare the documents prior to visiting the DMV. For more information about how to register an antique car in NE or how to title an assembled vehicle, continue reading the sections below.
Definition of an Assembled or Historic Vehicle in Nebraska
Before applying for an assembled or historic vehicle registration, motorists need to familiarize themselves with the type of vehicle they own and with the specific DMV requirements they need to satisfy.
A Nebraska classic car registration and title procedure will be required for any of these five types of assembled vehicles: assembled classic motor vehicle, kit vehicle, custom built motorcycle from Aftermarket parts, assembled motor vehicle, and assembled ATV, minibike or UTV.
The five types of assembled vehicles are actually motor vehicles that are constructed to resemble the original manufacturing specifications. Historic vehicles are cars that are at least 30 years old and have not been altered from the original specifications of the manufacturer. A vehicle with historic or antique plates may be used only for hobby-related activities, parades or test drives.
Steps in the Process for Nebraska Historic Vehicle Registration and Title or Vintage License Plates
Obtaining a historic or vintage plates is mandatory for owners of such vehicles in order to be able to legally drive them on public roads.
The procedure for titling and registering a vintage car may be completed at a local DMV branch. When applying for an antique vehicle title in Nebraska, applicants will be mandated to provide a notarized bill of sale, an Affidavit for an Antique Motor
Vehicle, an inspection statement, and a DMV statement that there was no car title issued for the vehicle in the last 30 years. In addition, motorists may need to satisfy specific requirements such as submitting a vehicle identification number (VIN) if the vehicle dates from and after 1949.
Upon completion of the title and registration application, drivers may be able to obtain plates that denote a historic vehicle. To obtain these types of plates, drivers will be required to take the following actions:
- Complete an Application for Historical License Plates.
- Provide proof of payment of an old registration or sales tax.
- Submit proof of car insurance.
- Submit payment of the applicable fees.
Historical plates may be transferred to vintage license plates for an additional transfer fee. There are four types of car registration: passenger, farm, commercial and motorcycle.
Note: Motorists need to own another standard vehicle and have it registered for personal transportation, since the historic vehicle can be used only in parades, for test drives or as a hobby.
Steps in the Nebraska Assembled Vehicle Registration and Title Process
A Nebraska custom car title and registration process is required of drivers who possess one of the five types of custom-built vehicles: assembled classic motor vehicle, kit vehicle, custom built motorcycle from Aftermarket parts, assembled motor vehicle, and assembled ATV, minibike or UTV.
Vehicle owners may apply for a classic car title for their assembled vehicles by providing a certificate of title for one major part of the vehicle, a notarized bill of sale of the other vehicle parts that were replaced, an inspection statement and a vehicle identification number.
Fees to Register an Assembled or Historic Vehicle in Nebraska
The final step in the application process for assembled or historic vehicle registration in Nebraska is to pay the applicable fees. Drivers who are applying for a title will be required to pay an issuance fee of $10. However, the fees for registering and titling a historic or vintage car may be higher than those for assembled vehicles.
Below you can find a list of the fees you need to pay for these plates:
- First historical vehicle fee: $70.60
- First vintage vehicle fee: $89
- Second historical vehicle fee: $60.60
- Second vintage vehicle fee: $79
- Transfer fee: $29
- Fee for transferring from historical to vintage license plates: $54
Note: In addition to the historic or custom vehicle registration renewal procedure, drivers must be aware that they also have to renew car registration for their standard passenger vehicles.