Traffic tickets in New Hampshire are issued to drivers who commit both driving and non-driving offenses. Motorists who receive traffic citations are usually expected to either fight them or to pay the fines.

Drivers can fight traffic tickets if they consider themselves innocent of the charge. However, failing to beat a citation or being guilty requires drivers to pay tickets. Learn more about contesting a ticket in NH by reading the following sections.

Fighting a New Hampshire Ticket

A New Hampshire traffic ticket defense procedure is available to drivers who consider themselves innocent of the offense they are charged with. Drivers can use different methods to dismiss traffic citations, depending on the type of offense they have committed. They may either appear at court on the date written on their ticket, or request a trial earlier.

Motorists can fight traffic tickets and plead “not guilty” via mail to the New Hampshire Department of Safety, or in person at a Bureau of Financial Responsibility office. The in-mail option requires you to check the “not guilty” box on your ticket before sending it to the DOS mailing address.

Regardless of the method, citations must be dismissed prior to the due date of the ticket or in the period of 30 days from its issuance. You may also hire a traffic lawyer to help you in your case.

Paying a New Hampshire Ticket

Drivers who receive traffic tickets in New Hampshire may dismiss them by pleading “not guilty” or may pay traffic fines thus admitting their guilt. Motorists must pay their tickets before the due date, or within a 30-day period from the issuance of the citation. They can choose to pay tickets online by mail, by phone or in person.

Lost Tickets in New Hampshire

Drivers who want to either fight traffic tickets or pay driving fines in New Hampshire need the information written on their citation in order to complete the procedure. When dealing with a lost ticket, drivers need to contact their traffic court to find out the necessary details that are written on the ticket.

Moreover, if you can remember at least a single detail of your citation, you can write a letter to the Bureau of Financial Responsibility. Such details may be your full name and date of birth, your traffic violation, the law enforcement agency that issued your citation or the location where you committed the offense.

New Hampshire Fines and Penalties

Failing to fight traffic tickets in New Hampshire or pleading guilty of the charge, will require you to pay traffic fines. The amount of your traffic ticket payment may vary depending on the type and severity of the committed offense.

Major traffic violations require payment of the highest fines such as $1,240 for refusing inspection for dyed special fuel. The lowest fine is $62 for minor offenses such as equipment violations, failure to obey traffic signs or signals, operating motor vehicles without front and rear lights and more.

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, commonly referred to as a DUI, carries more serious penalties and can be more difficult to contest in court.

Points in New Hampshire

Committing too many traffic violations in NH will bring you demerit points on your driving record. The New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has set a point system for driving and non-driving violations committed while operating motor vehicles on public roads.

The number of points for each traffic ticket varies depending on the type of offense you have committed. Shown below is a part of the traffic violations along with the number of points added to a driver’s record:

  • Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and aggravated DWI – 6 points
  • Odometer tampering – 6 points
  • Improper passing – 4 points
  • Speeding at 25 mph or more over the speed limit – 4 points
  • Speeding between 1 and 24 mph over the speed limit – 3 points
  • Driving with no license to show to an officer – 2 points

Note: The demerit points stay on your driving record for three years. After accumulating at least three demerit points, drivers may enroll in traffic school in order to dismiss them.

How Tickets Affect a New Hampshire Drivers License

Accumulating traffic tickets in New Hampshire may lead to serious effects on your driving privileges, such as a driver’s license suspension or revocation. Drivers need to pay traffic fines or fight traffic tickets, in order to prevent a suspension or revocation.

The NH DMV will suspend the credentials of drivers older than 21 years of age who accumulate 12 demerit points in one year. Motorists from 18 to 20 years of age who accumulate nine points in one year will also get a suspended drivers license. Motorists younger than 18 years of age will get a suspension of their driving privileges for accumulating six points in one year.

New Hampshire Car Insurance Fines and Violations

Drivers who commit too many New Hampshire traffic violations may receive higher car insurance premiums. Drivers who receive traffic tickets are considered unsafe traffic participants and may easily get their insurance rates increased. Motorists who want to dismiss citations in NH and avoid paying higher insurance premiums are encouraged to enroll in a state-approved traffic school.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 14 2020.