If you are looking into the best SR-22 rates in Rhode Island, then you are one of the many other drivers that need this special and necessary coverage. Learning how to get SR22 insurance at a reasonable cost as well as what this unique insurance form is and what it represents for Rhode Islanders is important. It is quite different from a normal auto insurance policy, in that it is designed for a much smaller audience. In fact, Rhode Islanders who need this unique coverage share something in common.

Most drivers who need an SR22 form have had their driving privileges suspended and wish to continue driving. However, as of July 18, 2018, Rhode Island no longer requires this form of liability coverage for suspensions that occur within the state. But this does not mean that Rhode Islanders are immune to needing this form in all situations. Learning how to get SR-22 insurance in Rhode Island is a very important process for drivers in the state with suspended driver’s licenses from driving incidents in other states.

Auto insurance is different from state to state, so incidents that occur outside of Rhode Island are subject to different liability rules than the ones that you will need to know for incidents within the state. This article will help drivers in Rhode Island to determine their needs for this distinct form of auto insurance and inform them of how to get it when they need to drive legally and responsibly.

What is Rhode Island SR22 insurance?

In its most basic sense, SR22 in Rhode Island is used in order to provide a path towards completing a driving suspension due to a driving incident that occurred in a different state. While the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles is responsible for incidents that occur within the state, it no longer requires these specific forms in order to reinstate a driver’s license.

Of course, standard auto insurance is still required for all Rhode Island drivers and additional liability insurance can be purchased in the state. However, incidents and suspensions that occur outside of Rhode Island do not simply go away by moving into the state. Therefore, you must work closely with the state DMV where your suspension is active, in order to end that suspension.

Who needs SR22 insurance in Rhode Island?

In order to establish who needs SR22 insurance in Rhode Island, you must determine whether or not you have had a qualifying driving incident in another state. This can apply to Rhode Island residents driving out of state or individuals with preexisting suspensions moving into Rhode Island. You might need an SR-22 form if you have been suspended due to:

  • Insurance incidents, such as driving a car without auto insurance or driving someone else’s uninsured vehicle and getting into an accident.
  • Disregarding multiple traffic violations or receiving too many tickets in a short window of time.
  • Misdemeanor/felony incidents, such as getting a DUI, a conviction for leaving the scene of an accident, vehicular manslaughter or more.

If one of these incidents occurred to a Rhode Island driver while they were out of state and resulted in a driving suspension, then he or she should pursue this type of liability coverage.

Reinstating Driving Privileges With SR22 in Rhode Island

SR22 for Rhode Island drivers with these types of out-of-state suspensions is the best method for them to legally drive in the state. This is because, without this special insurance form, driver’s license suspensions can take quite a while to end over time. Once you have been accepted to receive this insurance coverage, you will receive a temporary driver’s license that you can use while you are paying your monthly premiums.

By using this SR22 form and working with the appropriate state DMV closely, you can potentially end your suspension in as little as 12 months, as long as you do not have any more driving incidents while receiving this coverage.

How to Get SR22 Insurance in Rhode Island

In order to get SR-22 insurance in Rhode Island, you will need to pay a monthly insurance premium to the state DMV that your suspension is in. However, you will often not be dealing directly with that DMV at all. Instead, you will need to choose the insurance company that you prefer in order to gain assistance with filing your form and paying off your monthly premiums.

Choosing the right insurer can be a difficult task, as different companies will provide different rates. For average SR22 insurance quotes in Rhode Island, qualified drivers must often pay $15 to $30 per month. However, this figure could rise if you choose an expensive insurer or the details of your suspension are more serious.

Penalties for Not Filing an SR22 Form in Rhode Island

If you had been filing an SR-22 form for a Rhode Island driving suspension before July 18, 2018, then your insurer is required to contact you and hereby cancel your monthly premiums. However, you will still need SR22 insurance in Rhode Island for suspensions that are active outside of the state. Attempting to drive under an active suspension is incredibly dangerous, as any further incidents could land you with any of the following:

  • Your vehicle being repossessed
  • Large fines, or arrest
  • Extended suspension times, or completely forfeiting your driver’s license

Failing to get SR-22 coverage in Rhode Island when it is required of you by a different state DMV can result in any of these penalties and potentially more. In order to prevent any of these from occurring, you should make sure to follow the precise rules for getting this special liability insurance and end your driving suspension legally as a Rhode Island driver.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 14 2020.