Get a background check in Tennessee in order to investigate the commercial, financial or criminal record of the individual or company. The criminal history check procedure is often performed by government or private agencies mainly for employment purposes.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigations offers only two forms of background investigation at the moment: State Only and FBI Only. The main difference between these two background searches is in the fingerprints requirement. The Tennessee Only background screening does not require fingerprints, while the FBI Only does.

How To Get A Tennessee Background Check

Tennessee background investigations may be done either by the public or by organizations which are qualified to conduct criminal background checks. The State Only background search may be done for employment purposes, whereas the FBI Only option is available to the public for conducting personal background checks.

The Bureau of Investigation offers conducting TN criminal history checks either online or by mail. Note that you may receive the background report results by mail, email, fax, or in person (only at TBI Nashville) within three to five business days.

Ordering A Tennessee Background Check By Mail

A Tennessee background search can be completed by mail. You only need to complete a Tennessee Criminal History Information Request Form and submit it along with payment.

On this form you need to enter both the requestor’s and the subject’s personal information. After you submit the TN background check form, you need to wait three to five days in order to receive the background report.

Ordering A Tennessee Background Check Online

Getting a background check in Tennessee may be done online by requestors who want to obtain certain information about a specific person. You can perform a TN background investigation by providing the following information about the person you want to investigate:

  • Full name.
  • Date of birth.
  • Social Security Number.

Who needs a background check?

A background screening in Tennessee is available both to the general public and to the qualified organizations for conducting criminal history checks. Employers are those who most often perform TN background checks, but individuals are also able to investigate their own personal background.

Requestors of Tennessee background reports may be companies who recruit employees or managers, people who rent their apartment, or people who looking for employment as a caregiver.


Request a TN background report easily by performing an online investigation. Landlords may conduct renter instant background checks on possible tenants who want to rent their apartment. These rental background checks supply landlords with enough information about the tenant’s criminal or financial history.

By taking a look in the background reports of possible tenants, the landlord will be able to eliminate the unqualified tenants and choose those that will not destroy the property. A clean renter background screening in Tennessee will help tenants secure the property they want.


Tennessee employment history checks are most commonly performed by companies who are recruiting new employees. Employers will conduct employee background checks in order to investigate the professional, financial and criminal history of candidates for open job positions.

The TN background checks for employment will show any past offenses or illegal activities of the applicants. Have a clean employee background report at any time and be prepared for your possible employer to conduct a criminal check before offering you a position.

EMS/First Responders

Performing medical background screenings in Tennessee will help in the process for choosing the best medical personnel for state clinics or hospitals.

These EMS background checks are conducted in order to examine the past activities of the applicants for a position as first responders. Applicants need to have clean medical background reports, which will demonstrate that they are decent candidates for the job position and that they will be able to help people in need.

Care Givers

Complete background reports in Tennessee are mandatory if you want to hire a person to take care of family members or children. You can perform an online complete criminal record search in order to eliminate the candidates with criminal history and choose a person with clean records. Order a TN background search and to screen for the most qualified caregiver for the job.


Conducting a company background check in Tennessee is a recommended step when hiring a manager for your company. You are advised to perform an employee background investigation for each candidate who applied for the managerial position.

The employee criminal history check will reveal the financial and criminal background of the candidates and will demonstrate which candidate is suitable for the job position.

When You Will Need A Background Check

A full background check in Tennessee is needed when recruiting new employees, when hiring someone to take care of your loved ones, or when renting your property to a person you do not know. In addition, background investigations are conducted in the following situations:

  • Hiring new employees.
  • Adopting children.
  • Purchasing firearms.
  • Renting a property.
  • Getting a driver’s license in your local TN DMV office.

Getting an online background report in Tennessee will get you the information you need much faster.

The Difference Between Standard & Criminal Background Checks

Background investigations in Tennessee are available either to the general public or to TN qualified organizations. The general public may perform State Only or FBI Only background checks, while the qualified organizations must conduct both.

The standard TN background screening verifies your name, Social Security Number, address and shows whether those pieces of information match. The criminal background check, on the other hand, investigates the criminal history and misdemeanors an individual may have committed in the past.

Last updated on Thursday, October 15 2020.