has ranked and reviewed every DMV agency website to find the best of class for its 2015 State DMV Website Rankings. All the websites were graded using a comprehensive scorecard that evaluated the design, usability, content and online services. These websites ranked #42 to #51 in government motor vehicle and licensing websites.
#42 Montana
D U S C Score 17 7 15 14 53 The Montana Department of Justice website is mobile responsive and provides an adequate user experience for those using a tablet or mobile device. The Montana DOJ website lost the majority of points in the usability and services category. Few of the online services was looking for while ranking the top state DMV websites were offered by the Montana DOJ website and the majority of menu options appear below the fold while the FAQ section is difficult to find.
#43 Mississippi
D U S C Score 11 13 13 16 53 The Mississippi Department of Public Safety website is not mobile responsive providing a poor user experience if using a tablet or mobile device. The website does not provide a logical hierarchy, menus do not contain appropriate content and sub-menus have not been made available that direct the user to specific topics within a subject. A FAQ section is not available and users are not able to make appointments at physical locations online. Physical location information is also not easily found.
#44 New Hampshire
D U S C Score 9 15 8 20 52 The New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles website lost the majority of points in responsiveness and the services category. The website is not mobile responsive providing a poor user experience if using a tablet or mobile device and offers few of the online services was looking for when ranking the top state DMV websites, only offering an online driver license renewal service.
#45 Oklahoma
D U S C Score 11 19 8 12 50 The Oklahoma Department of Public Safety website has conveniently provided a link to their online services in the main navigation but unfortunately provides very few online services. The website is not mobile responsive, users cannot make appointments at physical locations online and location details are not easily found.
#46 Wyoming
D U S C Score 16 8 8 16 48 The Wyoming Department of Transportation website is mobile responsive and provides an adequate user experience for those using a tablet or mobile device. The website lost the majority of points in the usability and services category. None of the online services was looking for when ranking the top state DMV websites were offered by the Wyoming DOT website.
#47 Minnesota
D U S C Score 6 12 15 14 47 The Minnesota Department of Public Safety website lost the majority of points in the design and services category. The main navigation does not provide drop downs and the homepage does not provide a clear snapshot of information and services offered. A lack of responsive design, minimal information, difficult navigation, and almost no online services make the Minnesota DMV site one of the worst in the country.
#48 Oregon
D U S C Score 9 13 12 12 46 The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles website scored particularly low in the design, services, and content categories. As well as a lack of mobile responsiveness, the website does not provide logical menus with appropriate drop downs. Content does not provide enough information to clearly explain the subject and next steps necessary to the average user. Links to in-site or outbound content are not clearly labelled, relevant to the topic, and descriptive of what the user will find when clicking each link.
#49 Hawaii
D U S C Score 14 5 5 20 44 The Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicles website is difficult to navigate mainly due to the number of sub domains associated with the website. Users can easily get lost navigating this poorly designed web portal. Although the website is mobile responsive, due to the number of sub domains associated with the website the user experience is poor.
#50 Kansas
D U S C Score 3 6 15 9 33 The Kansas Department of Revenue website scored low across all categories receiving only 33 out of a potential 100 points. The website is not mobile responsive providing a poor user experience on a tablet or mobile device. Menus are not clearly visible and do not list or have dropdowns on the homepage that directs to relevant content. The in-site search does not work well, and while location details are made somewhat easily available to users, visitors cannot make appointments at physical locations online.
#51 Kentucky
D U S C Score 3 10 10 8 31 The Kentucky Motor Vehicle Licensing website also scored low across all categories receiving only 31 out of a potential 100 points. Like the Kansas DOR website the Kentucky MVL website is not mobile responsive. Content is not written in a way that is easily digestible and concise. Links to in-site or outbound content are not clearly labelled, relevant to the topic, and descriptive of what the user will find when clicking the links.